Click HERE To watch a little clip about identifying your interests. Why is important to know what your interests are from a college or career standpoint?
You may be able to take classes NOW in High School that will help you with your goals. You can save $ and time by finding out what careers/classes DO NOT interest you. has a great assessment that you can take, that will help you identify some careers that MAY interest you. CLICK HERE
From UtahFuture "Does Career Cluster Inventory tell you what you can be or should be? NO!
No software can do that. Only YOU can decide what to do with your life.
Career Cluster Inventory can help you narrow down your choices. Here, you rate 80 activities on how much you think you would enjoy doing them. Most of these activities are things you have done before. Think back to when you did the activity (for example, asking someone to sponsor you in a walk-a-thon). Did you like asking that person to donate money? Rate that item for how much you liked it.
Some of the activities are things you have not done before. For each activity, take a minute to imagine doing it. For example, what would it be like to act in a school play? Would you like it? Would you dislike it? Not sure?"
Here is a great tool to use on how planning a head can help you.
When looking at this worksheet we talk about why it is important to look at different career paths.
You may not know exactly what you want to do with your life and that is OK. When you look at different jobs then you can start to identify areas that are more important to you and find the thing that you will feel fulfilled doing for a time in your life. (remember the average American now changes Careers 3-5 times in their lives) Some things to consider when looking at careers are....
What are your natural talents?
What’s your work style?
Where do you like to work?
Do you enjoy social interaction?
How important to you is work-life balance?
Are you looking to give back?
Are you comfortable in the public eye?
Do you deal well with stress?
How much money do you want to make?
Once you identify some careers that interest you it is a great idea to talk with someone in that field ask them various questions about the job atmosphere, hours, pay, job security, etc. this way you will know if this particular career fits into your goals in life.
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