Wednesday, December 18, 2013

GenerationOn Joy Maker Ambassadors

Ed Haines's photo.

It has been a great December being Joy Maker Ambassadors. Everyday at TEAM we talk about
and record the acts of service we have done. At first some TEAM members did not think they were doing any kind acts, but with some prodding they were all able to see things they had been doing throughout the day without even thinking of it being a kind act IE. opening the door for someone, talking to a friend, meeting someone new, saying hi to someone in the hall etc. Plus all the great service they have been participating in at TEAM: mentoring the elementary students, filling up backpacks full of food for the children with food security issues, making holiday tiles for loved ones etc.

We loved doing our spread the bread project that GenerationOn funded. Our next step was the 100 toys we were given to donate. It took us 3 days but we ended up wrapping over 150 gifts! We then were able to bring them to our local CAPSA center and DCFS center. They were so grateful for our donations and it felt so great to donate to such great causes!

There are still a few days left to record your acts of kindness HERE To help Hasbro donate toys to Toys For Tots! 
Ed Haines's photo.

Ed Haines's photo.

Ed Haines's photo.

Ed Haines's photo.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Spread The Bread

Thanks again to GenerationOn for choosing TEAM to be Joy Maker Ambassadors. Don't forget to report your acts of kindness HERE until Dec. 20th and Hasbro will donate a toy for every act of kindness to Toys for Tots-so awesome!

GenerationOn also sponsored our Spread the Bread project, it was so great. We got to know some new TEAM-members and have a fun BUSY day together. Here are some pictures from the event.

                                        The dough rising kinda got out of control!


                                                                HANDING THEM OUT